How To Slip A Punch In Boxing


Our topic of discussion today is How To Slip A Punch In Boxing. “Slipping” as it is called in boxing and know other fighting systems around the world, is a technique similar to “bobbing”. It is considered one of the four basic defensive strategies, along with blocking, holding, and clinching. The slip is performed by moving the head to either side so that the opponent’s punches “slip” by the boxer.


When Boxers Slip Punches

The slip is a powerful defense move because if executed properly it can throw your opponent off balance and allow you to do a counter punch. It can also drain your opponents energy throwing punches and not landing any. He will become exausted punching the air because it’s draining throwing a punch and missing, in comparison to throwing a punch and hitting your target. As a fighter training in the gym you want to try and perfect this defensive move.


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slipping a punch in boxinglSlipping and Countering

When learning defensive moves in the gym your training coach will also teach you how to block with your arm. This defense move is needed at times but can have a lot of wear on your arm during the match up and over time in general. Using the arm to block a punch or a defensive more ties up your arms and makes it hard for you to throw a counter punch at you opponent.

The slip defensive move would be more of a wise choice to use because it frees up your arms so you can counter punch. Learning to slip a punch can lay te foundation of you being a solid fighter. The objective of boxing is to hit and not get hit so often. The less you get hit the better off you’ll be in the long run.


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How To Slip A Punch In Boxing

When slipping a punch you have to be careful in terms of knowing when to do it. You should never try and slip the first punch thown. In fact you never want to slip a single jab. The reason for this is that an experienced fighter will pick up on you slipping his jab and eventually fake a jab and connect with an uppercut. Instead a slip should be done while your opponent is throwing combination punches. This means when your opponent is throwing two or three punches at a time. Slipping a punch is done best when there is a constant exchange in punches between you and the opponent.

When slipping a punch be sure to slip to the outside of a punch and not the inside. The reason for this is that you have a better chance of countering the punch if you slip to the outside. If you slip to the inside of the punch you increase the chances of getting hit in the face with your opponents next hand. You never want to be directly in the line of someone punch, and slipping inside of  a punch instead of outside will do just that.



The Best Punches To Slip

The best punches to slip are not actually jabs, but bigger punches. The reason for this is that when someone throws a big punch they take a bit longer to recover their stance. When someone throws a big punch they are more off balanced and leave themselves wide open for counter punches.

Jabs, however, are fast punches that you can easily recover from if you miss your target. When you slip punches it’s best to slip head punches because it would be easier for you. In fact, it would make more sense for you to do so. For body shots you can always block them with your arm.


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Slipping A Punch With Ease

Slipping a punch the right way takes practice. When slipping you want to use your legs not your back. Your legs are going to be the main thing that make your slip effective. A fighter like Mike Tyson is a good example of how to properly slip a punch. Mike Tyson use to use his legs to squat low and pivot to the right or left to slip a punch. Sometimes Mike would even bend his legs to get low under a punch and counter with an uppercut. Slipping with ease is bending your legs to lower yourself then rotate your body to the side you are slipping to.



What you don’t want to do is bend your back to slip a punch. The reason for this is that if you use your back to slip the punch you will become off balanced to do a counter strike. The best slip is not only avoiding getting hit but also countering with your own punch in order to score points. Another reason why you shouldn’t slip with your back is that over a period of time you will cause wear and tear on your lower back. This is something you don’t want as a boxer because your body is your prize. The more wear and tear your body goes through the more it slows you down; even put you into retirement.


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How To Slip Punches Faster

In order to slip punches faster you need to work on your speed. The way you do that is through constant practice. The best place to practice is at the gym because it will have all the equpment you need along with a knowledgeable trainer that will coach you through the movements. Alternatively, you can train yourself at home with what they call a “Boxing Slip Rope”. This simply is a rope you can buy at a boxing or martial arts supply store and set it up in your home to use. Watch the video below in order to properly set up the slip rope at home. You can tie one end to a door knob and have someone else hold the other end, or find something to tie the other end to. This is one of many ways on how to get better at slipping punches.


Boxing Slip Rope Drill


Slip Rope Training


In conclusion learning how to slip a punch can be a great defense that can allow you to counter punch and land a strike that will put your opponent in trouble. Again, always remember the best punches to slip are big punches and also ones that are in combination. To have the best results you should walways slip to the outside of a punch not inside because it will leave you vulnerable to your opponent’s other hand.