How To Do A Standing Armbar

Continuing with our armbar training, today I will get into How To Do A Standing Armbar. This method does take timing and good position to pull off.

The Standing Arm Lock can be used to subdue or restrain your opponent or attacker.

This move is mostly used as a self-defense method against attackers on the street, although you can see a fighter apply it ever so often in an MMA fight.

The standing armbar is a technique practiced and commonly used in martial arts such Aikido, Judo, Jiu-Jitsu, Karate, and Hapkido. In fact it is a basic lock that is taught in many martial arts and self-defense classes all around the world.

Below are the step-by-step instructions on how to apply the standing arm lock on your opponent or attacker. Keep in mind that this is a technique that you have to be in the right positioning for it to be effective.

Your wrist lock needs to applied properly and elbow needs to be in the right positioning against your oppponents elbow, if not your opponent has a chance to counter your move or escape all together. Something we don’t want to happen during a street fight.

Also Read: How To Do An Armbar From Mount

standing arm barThe first move is to take control of your attackers wrist. This is move is best executed after someone has grabbed your shirt or reaching to grab your chain or neckless. The grab can either be a one hand grab or with both hands.  In this example invision your opponent  grabbing you with his left hand.

Take your left hand and grab your opponents wrist. The space between your thumb and index finger need to grab your attackers wrist while your other hand (right hand) should grab his wrist right below your other hand. So your hands should grab his wrist one on top of the other.

Next you have to raise your right elbow up and over the arm of your attacker, step back with your left leg, while simultaneously twisting his wrist.

you should pull your armpit down on his elbow it will add pressure, while you pull up with his wrist. This is sort of a teeter-totter effect. Watch the video below to get a clear vision of what was just instructed to you.

Also Read: How To Do A Standing Kimura Armlock

Standing Armbar Submission Lock

How To Do A Judo Standing Armbar – Ude Gatame

There is also an armbar in Judo called Ude Gatame. The armbar isn’t really any different from armbars used in martial arts, but depending on how your opponent grabs you there are slight variations. With anything you want to practice this move until you get a good concept of how to apply it.

It’s all about positioning and not overdoing the move. You can still find a lot of students doing the technique imporperly in many ways.

One way they do it improperly is when they have their opponent’s arm under their armpit they stoop too low.

This can cause the opponent to slip away to the ground; breaking the lock, and even give space for the opponent to strike you. So please practice often until you have it pat down.

Also Read: How To Do A Kimura From Side Control

Judo – Ude Hishigi

flying armbar gifFlying Armbar In UFC

The Flying Armbar also known as the Tobi Juji-Gatame in Judo, is one of the most coolest things to see in an MMA matchup. I’ve seen it pulled off by fighters in the gym and in competition, it’s such a beauty to watch. The Flying Armbar is a bit tricky to pull off but it’s all about transition. That’s the main key ingredient to pulling this technique off.

You have to transition from standing to the guard, while your training partner is forced to follow unwillingly. So in other words you are basically pulling guard – but with the intent of attacking the arm on the way to the ground, rather than just to pull guard. This can be done with gi or no gi. Watch the videos below to see the demonstrations.

Also Read: Standing Rare Naked Choke

Flying Armbar Demetrius Johnson – UFC 216

In the co-main event at UFC 216 of this year Demetrius Johnson the featherweight champion took on Ray Borg and defeated in a spectacular way. During the 3rd round at 3:15 Demetrius Johnson managed to apply a standing armbar and bring Ray into submission on the ground. It was truly a phenominal thing to see!

Armbar From Clinch

In conclusion the armbar can be applied to your opponent in many ways. There are a variety of methods to use whether is is standing or on the guard. Go to your gym and practice to perfect the armbar lock. use the different ways so you can have more tools in your aresnol come fight time.